Welcome! On this blog I share all my best tips and tricks for preparing for brand, newborn and family photo sessions, as well as all my nuggets of fried wisdom for improving your own photography skills. Hope you're wearing comfy pants, because you should make a cuppa and stick around for a yarn!
I’ve been friends with Jodie Burton of @travelyogadance_ for many years now – she and my husband used to run outdoor expeditions together back when we lived in Melbourne. Now that we all live back down in Torquay, Victoria, we’ve reconnected and I adore her yoga classes. She’s an incredible teacher – she brings a […]
In August I had the immense privilege of being the official photographer for the Surf Coast Arts Trail. As someone who grew up a nerdy artistic kid in Torquay, Australia, who now photographs artists in their studios for a living, being able to do work that celebrates and amplifies the arts community here felt like […]
In August 2020, I asked West Coast Canadian artist Fiona Dalrymple if I could photograph her with her girls and her art. I wanted to explore the story that exists at the intersection of motherhood, art and business. I’d been photographing landscapes and families for a couple of years and her art gave me all […]
Carlie Reidlinger N.D. offers the perspective of being a mother to young children in her approach to helping parents improve their health. Want to have a goosey inside a personal branding photoshoot? Naturopathic Doctor Carlie Reidlinger is a mum of two and all-round lovely warm person who really knows how to help you lift your […]
Some fun brand photos for two incredibly talented Torquay artists.
Mum friends get you through those long days and don’t judge you when there’s baby puke on your top.
I think bringing home a second baby might just be the absolute best time to hire a lifestyle photographer!
West Coast BC artist Christina Clarke does a relaxed hiking and painting personal branding photo shoot with photographer Kristen Turner MacDonald.
Hint: it's not perfect flatlays and 17 photos of your wearing different blazers! After years photographing artists and creatives at work outdoors and in their studios, THESE are the must useful, story-driving and engaging images to stop your viewers and hook their attention. Sign up below and find the freebie in your inbox!
Calling all artists and creatives!